Sunday, August 28, 2005

Water Tasting

I was watching the America’s Test Kitchen show on PBS. Its Tasting Lab aired a combined result of 3 water tests: The Bottled Water Wars, Bottled Water for Cooking?, and Tap Water.

Bottled water in general consists of 3 major categories: spring water, artesian water, and purified water. Spring water comes from an underground water formation that flows naturally to the surface of the earth, with its source location identified. Artesian water is spring water with source formation being a confined aquifer – the water is sandwiched between two layers of impermeable rock. Purified water may contain multiple sources and requires processing with reverse osmosis before bottling.

Four waters, including 2 spring waters, 1 purified water, and 1 tap water, were competing for final TASTING. Here’s their rank (#1 being the most preferred):

#4: Evian (spring water; the best-selling imported water; when spelled in reverse, naïve)
#3: Aquafina (purified water; the best-selling brand of bottled water in America)
#2: Volvic (spring water)
#1: Tap water from Boston!


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